X-radiation refraction at the border “substance-vacuum” is similar with optical refraction with some peculiarities: refraction index in the x-ray range less than 1 and differs from it for thousandths of one percent. In this connection when x-radiation enter into substance, x-radiation is refracted less than in vacuum and complete external reflection is observed at radiation falling on the substance but not on coming out of it. Angles where these effects take place don’t outnumber one degree. Under such small angles demands of the quality of border section treatment sharply (harshly) increase: its roughness (For more details see the reference) should be not worse than nanometer. To observe refraction is more convenient if radiation is a part of the model, for example squared shape, throughout side border and get out of the polished one. In case of different structure (mixture) layers exist on the polished side, each beam (entering into them on one side) is refracted with its own angle. It depends on decrement of substance index refraction which constitutes layer and let it to identify.


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